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To improve trustless cross-chain communications, Horizen EON integrates with LayerZero

New York, New York --News Direct-- Horizen Labs

The Horizen ecosystem is thrilled to announce its integration with the LayerZero protocol. This integration aims to bolster the Horizen EON ecosystem's cross-chain capabilities, ensuring seamless and direct communication between various blockchains via arbitrary message bridging.

This integration is poised to catalyze significant advancements for the Horizen EON ecosystem. By integrating LayerZero's advanced messaging infrastructure, Horizen's EON will offer enhanced interoperability, allowing data, assets, and information to be transferred across blockchains without compromising on efficiency or security. Beyond just messaging, this integration signifies a broader vision of creating a unified digital asset ecosystem, where decentralized applications (dApps) can operate seamlessly across multiple blockchains.

"Interoperability is the future of blockchain technology. By integrating with LayerZero, we are not only enhancing the capabilities of our EON platform but also taking a significant step towards a more interconnected and resilient blockchain ecosystem. LayerZero's expertise in cross-chain communications will be instrumental in achieving our vision for EON as a leading smart contracting platform in a multichain world," said Rob Viglione, Co-founder of Horizen and CEO of Horizen Labs.

LayerZero's protocol has already shown its prowess by connecting over 40 blockchains and processing more than 75 million messages since its inception. Their collaboration with giants like Google Cloud further attests to their commitment to security and performance.

Horizen's EON, with its EVM compatibility, is already making waves in the blockchain community. The addition of LayerZero's cross-chain expertise will further solidify its position as a go-to platform for developers and DeFi enthusiasts.

For more insights into this integration and the future of EON, stay tuned to the upcoming EON Mainnet Launch Summit where the teams behind Horizen EON and LayerZero will share more insight on this integration.

About LayerZero Labs

VIDEO: Layer Zero Demo | The Future of Omnichain dApps | 3 contracts. 2 Chains. 1 Transaction

LayerZero is the leading blockchain messaging protocol. LayerZero's advanced messaging infrastructure seamlessly connects over 40 blockchains and facilitates transparent and secure cross-chain messaging from one easy-to-use interface. Since going live in March 2022, the LayerZero protocol has processed more than 75 million messages with thousands of mainnet contracts being deployed by thousands of developer teams. Backed by leading venture capital firms including a16z, Sequoia, Binance Labs, Christie’s, Lightspeed, Opensea, Bond, Samsung Next, and GBV, LayerZero was recently valued at $3 billion. Developers building on LayerZero can create interoperable, omnichain dApps, which will lead to the establishment of a unified digital asset ecosystem.

For more information, visit LayerZero's official website.

About Horizen EON

VIDEO: Layer3 Quest - Cross Chain with LayerZero
The Blockchain Report

Horizen EON is a fully EVM-compatible smart contracting platform, and the first of many smart contract sidechains on the Horizen ecosystem. It allows developers to efficiently build and deploy decentralized applications (dapps) on Horizen, while fully benefiting from the Ethereum ecosystem. EON is built with scale and user experiences in mind, on Horizen’s powerful horizontally scaling protocol, Zendoo.

For more information, visit https://eon.horizen.io

Contact Details

VIDEO: Why LayerZero is a Contender for Enterprises In Need of Cross-Chain Bridges
Blockchain Journal

Leora Schreiber

[email protected]

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